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Thread: cron runs but script is not executed properly

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    cron runs but script is not executed properly

    I have the following bash script for daily backing up of mysql database and deleting some temporary files. Its main steps are: (1) Use mysqldump to create a backup .sql file; (2) Zip up the file; (3) Copy the file to a Windows shared folder using smbclient; (4) Delete the sql and zip file created; (5) Delete some files from a directory.

    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    Date=`date "+%Y%m%d%H%M%S%n"`
    mysqldump mydatabase -u$DBUser -p$UserPassword > /home/me/daily-backup/mydatabase.sql
    cd /home/me/daily-backup/
    zip mydatabase-"$Date".zip mydatabase.sql
    smbclient "//bkpserver/backup" -I10.10.1.10 -Wworkgroup -U $BkpUser%$BkpPassword < /home/me/scripts/smbclient-commands
    rm mydatabase.sql mydatabase-"$Date".zip
    cd /home/me/tempfiles/
    rm -f *.csv

    The file smbclient-commands has the following contents
    mput *.zip

    I set up cron with the following

    crontab -u me -e

    and then input the following line

    00 05 * * * /home/me/scripts/

    cron runs successfully, but instead of executing the shell script properly, it creates a binary file in /home/me/daily-backup/. When I run the script manually, it works perfectly. I have given execute permissions on script to user and other, read is allowed for user, group, and other. daily-backup directory has read, write, and execute permission for user and other. smbclient-commands file has read permission for user, group, and other; write permission to user.

    I am using Ubuntu Gutsy server edition. Is there something I am doing wrong and need to correct so that it runs properly?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: cron runs but script is not executed properly

    I can't say for sure what you problem is but I can help to clean that script up a little.

    "cd /home/me/daily-backup/"

    This is bad practice for scripts. You should always use absolute paths. So that would change the next line to:

    zip mydatabase-"$Date".zip /home/me/daily-backup/mydatabase.sql

    So, it is correctly creating the mysqldump but failing at zipping and/or transfering it via SMB?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: cron runs but script is not executed properly

    It's creating the dump and the zip files but not able to copy the file via smbclient. Instead, there is a binary file created with weird names like ziqaxKgX or something like that.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: cron runs but script is not executed properly

    i found a tutorial online ( which shows how to use the -c flag and give commands while calling smbclient. i will try that solution instead of getting commands from a file and see if that works. will post once i have results.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: cron runs but script is not executed properly

    i found out that getting mysql dump and then zipping it is not the problem. when it zips the directories, then it creates a binary file with a weird name and also doesn't move anything via smbclient. if i comment out the lines where it zips up directories, then the scheduled job is able to move the zip of mysql dump.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: cron runs but script is not executed properly

    i could not find a solution but someone else did. i found a blog post (Problem running bash script in cron) referencing my own question here, and a solution was posted there. i followed the instructions and got the problem solved.

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